A few years ago I heard this report on the news. I was just today redirected to an old article about it. Here it is because it was exactly where I used to be!
When the report I watched was aired, I just happened to be in the same room as both my husband and my dad. Both are very masculine men and the thought of women responding favorably to the smell of their sweaty t-shirts had both of them surprised and chuckling at the report. Both made comments about what an odd thing to test, and how it couldn't possibly be true. I couldn't let that slide. I told them that yes, in fact, it was true and that I had always associated the smell of each of them while working hard as a good thing.
My dad knew that I had been on the Pill of many years because of my "female troubles." I explained very hastily and with a blush, "Yeah dad, those guys I dated during those years that you never liked...that was why." I discovered, for myself, that being on the Pill made me attracted to some really crappy guys. Some were not very assertive, others were just downright misogynists. They hated women. Well, to be fair, they hated what I have come to call, "authentic women." They hated those women who wanted to
I consider the time of May of 2000 to be when my sense of smell returned. I was doing a health cleanse and seeking better ways to finally heal my many health troubles. Going off hormonal contraception was the last step I needed. It was when my sense of balance returned. I finally started becoming me again. I actually ran into two ex-boyfriends during that time at was surprised at how "girly" they suddenly smelled to me. Surprised and shocked actually. They had been nice guys whom my family liked, and they were never hateful or mean. Both of them have since become good friends of mine. They were good guys. But they did not have what I needed in a man. They didn't smell like hard-working men. They work hard. Don't get me wrong. They hold full time jobs. But they don't smell like a hard-working man. I needed a hard working man. I needed a perfect complement to my "love home-cooking, light pretty smelling candles, baby-sniffing" self. I found him.
Just six months after I went off the Pill for good, I met my husband. He's a manly, sole provider who is proud that he supports a stay-at-home wife. I remember sniffing him on our first date. -sniiiiffffff-