I see parents complaining over the horrendously inappropriate fashions available at A&F. (I won't give the full name). But at the same time, I see some of those same parents saying that the parents who are letting their children wear these inappropriate clothes, "should be neutered."
But what the indignant parent doesn't realize is that neutering is part of the problem to begin with. "Sexy" is redefined when sex is divorced from marriage and babies. But most of our culture doesn't see it. They see that an 8-year-old dressing like a middle-priced call-girl is unacceptable. But they cannot fathom how our culture got to that point in the first place.
Try telling an indignant adult where we went wrong as a culture, and he or she will transfer the indignance to you. They see that there is a problem. They see that this problem did not exist 50 years ago. They see that something needs to be done. But to even suggest that contraception is even part of the problem, will get you attacked like a carcass surrounded by vultures. Since "they" use contraception and would never dream of dressing their children that way, there must not be a connection!
Having that conversation is not easy. Showing how they're linked can be very time consuming. The contraception descent was gradual. The steps are not straight down. They do meander about quite a bit. Unless someone has shown you the pattern, it can really seem quite random. I guess that is why these indignant people are all so surprised. They never saw it coming.
But there was someone who did see it coming. A document written in 1968 spells it out. Women would be less respected, not more, as contraception became mainstream. Worse, these are not even women yet. They are young girls painted up to look like women. The mistakes that our culture will make in the name of so-called "freedom" are tragic. The victim is innocence.