Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

So I watch the wrong channels. I really strongly, dislike contraception. (Ya' think?) Yet, I watch the channels that contraceptive companies sponsor. Why don't I just change the channel? For one, those are the shows I want to watch. But mainly it is because for so many years I just didn't notice the commercials. I just took them in like an ad for a car or a soft drink. Now they annoy me. But then, since I became more aware of contraception and its impact on society I am annoyed by more and more commercials. The car ad reveals that having no kids makes you skinnier, smarter, and drive a "better" car. Not that ads have ever been considered true, by anyone; I've just finally started to notice the subtle undertones against the natural family.

But I think the one that drives me the battiest, (is battiest a word? I guess so because my spell check liked it,) but the one that annoys me more than all the rest of the ads combined: Mirena. It is a so-called "contraceptive device." It isn't. It does one thing. It aborts. The ads are sneaky. They say it, "prevents pregnancy." Nowhere do they admit that to truly be a "contraceptive" it needs to be "contra" "ception." In other words, since pregnancy is currently defined, by law, as the "moment of implantation," then a product that does not allow implantation, but does allow conception can legally be termed a "contraceptive." By definition the word contraception means, "against the beginning." It does not mean, "against step two."

But they flat out lie. Since one can have a "pregnant pause" then one is pregnant the moment someone else enters the picture. I don't recall a grammatical rule requiring implantation for a pause to be pregnant. To be impregnated has never before in the history of our language, meant implantation. But it does now.

A lie and misdirection is just fine in the world that brought us contraception. The shocked young woman who asked me about Mirena and found out the truth, looked as if someone had just slapped her, hard. I hope she had the courage to follow through and remove it from her life. She remains in my prayers.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do I Have to Do This?

Ugh. My attitude has been bad lately. I am healed from my surgery, but I still haven't felt quite up to writing again. I have a few posts that I am working on in the background. But they aren't quite there yet.

My reasons for not writing have really been twofold. My general surroundings and the people. Many of my friends are either on the same path I am, trying to help the world know each other better. Some are already Catholic and have a passionate Christian life. Some have completely different beliefs than I do and not a lifetime of talking is ever going to change either of us. And the rest are just plain so thick-headed that I feel like I am blowing hot air. None of the situations have really inspired me to write.

My kids have been in rare form too. While I have recovered from from my surgery they have found new and exciting ways to make me crazy. I think my daughter eating 6 bananas in an hour sums it up nicely. We gave her two. The rest, she absconded when we were out of the room. I knew there was a reason I call her a little monkey. My son, though older, seems to follow her mischievous lead. She's three. Oh what my future holds!

But then I remember, I am supposed to do this. I am supposed to write every day, even if I don't want to write. I have a great friend who reminds me that I really need to get my stories down in print so the message can reach more people. If my experiences can help people know more about how beautiful authentic sexuality can be, then I really need to keep going. I need to keep plugging away. So this post is to remind me that I need to keep writing. It is times like this that I ask God, "Do I have to do this?" Since my attitude gets bad, my world gets dizzy, and my little monkey gets pyrotechnic digestive results when I don't do what I am called to do; I think the answer is a resounding, "Yes!" I have to do this.

Will write soon. I promise.