Thursday, August 21, 2008

Contracepter, Contraceptor, Contraceptionist?

I like words. I mean I really like words. In fact, I like words so much that I tend to use them non-stop. In other words, I am a motor-mouth, a chatterbox, verbose, and generally just long-winded. The great compliment that I have been given by friends who put up with all my talking is this. They say that I only talk when I actually have something important to say. I have very generous and charitable friends.

I also like words that are well defined. It seems that the best communication between people must begin on the same page. We must first seek to understand the other's language before we can really communicate. By understanding another we can then be understood. In the words of St. Francis, "Seek not so much to be understood, but to understand."

When a concept exists that is difficult to explain we employ terms to define it. When a term falls short we may even seek to create a new term, in a way to 'conceive' a new word. To conceive is to bring forth anew. Conception can be an idea, thought, or opinion. But most importantly it can be to begin an entirely new life.

So, by definition, contraception means- "against the beginning." My primary question is, 'what is the name of a person who practices contraception?' Here is the crux of this post. In my journey out of a contraceptive mentality I was digging out of a very big hole. I was a contracepter, or maybe a contraceptor, or was a I contraceptionist? Anyway, there isn't a term so I must coin my own to entitle this blog.

My purpose in blogging is to share my journey. I do not come to condemn. Some of my best friends are contracepters and they are still just plain ole' good people. I don't get to decide who goes to heaven or hell...that is not my's God's job. In fact, if I ever step out of my role as a created being and attempt to occupy the job of The Creator, I put my own soul in jeopardy. I would like to avoid that fate if at all possible. Heaven just sounds too great to pass up.

So I am coining the term 'Contracepter' to describe this little tiny side of my life. What I found was that it actually turned out to be one of the single most defining aspects of my humanity. So here is my journey: Conceive of it what you will.